All posts by HelenFolsom

Teaching Events

Study healing in person with Dr. Joyce Hawkes and Helen Folsom.


Hollyhock – Cortez Island, BC
September 6-10
Wild Awakening for Health: A Cell-Level Healing Retreat
More info at:

Vancouver, BC
October 12 – 16
Canadian Energy Psychology Conference
Beyond Talk Therapy: Tools for Transformation
Joyce and Helen will be presenting during the conference and offering a 1 Day Cell-Level workshop on Monday Oct 16.
More info at:

2018 – More info soon
March:  Sivananda Yoga Retreat in The Bahamas
April 29 – May:  1440 Multiversity in California

Learning from Near Death

Near Death Experiences Change Everything . . .

Biophysicist Joyce Hawkes, PhD. died in the midst of a highly successful career as a research scientist, and then she came back after a remarkable journey. She now combines her knowledge of the body’s amazing gifts and her unveiled gift for healing to assist others to new levels of health and wholeness. She and Helen Folsom, musician and therapist, guide you on a five-day personal journey that will bring you to new heights of spiritual insight and healing. What is your calling, and how can you expand your consciousness and life without the need to die first? Join us at 1440 Multiversity in the beautiful redwood forests of California to find out.

Other resources:
Books by Dr. Hawkes:
Cell-Level Healing: The Bridge from Soul to Cell
Resonance: Nine Practices for Harmonious Health and Vitality

TEDx Talk: Biophysicist Discovers New Life After Death  See it here:

Interview Video:

Don’t Miss 1440


There are 1440 minutes in every day. Now there is a place where you can focus on just how you want to spend that time to create your optimal life — 1440 Multiversity.

Joyce Hawkes and Helen Folsom are excited to be on the faculty for the Opening Season of 1440. Learn Cell-Level Healing with us at this beautiful new retreat center in California.

More information here:


Lets Get to Work – Healing

The election is over, and there is much to be healed. Here at Cell-Level Healing that is our life’s work, our passion, and our dedication. We are experiencing a new level of efficacy in our work, and look forward to teaching people what can happen when we take into account both the scientific discoveries and the subtle energies that surround us all.

If you want to heal, if you want to discover you own ability to heal then we are excited about helping you get there. Joyce and Helen have set most of the 2017 teaching schedule up, but there may be a few more adds before long, so stay tuned. You can find the current list here.

Erika is ready and willing to work with you as well. Eriko is onboard. Just click on their names to see more about these amazing practitioners.

Blessings to you and peace. Be kind to yourself and others. Everyone is important.


Music and Meditation for Healing Series – April

Ground Thyself – April 18

We will explore together ways to be emotionally, mentally, and physically grounded. You may be surprised at how beneficial it can be. See a few tantalizing moments from the film The Grounded and try out some techniques and gadgets (yes, gadgets) that modern day folks can use to access earth’s remarkable energy.

Please use the Contact page to let us know that you plan to attend, or if you cannot attend but would like us to include your name or that of a loved one in the blessings of the evening.

April 18, 2015 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM
4000 Aurora Ave N, Suite 214
Seattle, WA 98103
Space is limited. Fee for this program: $20.00 at the door.

Stuff We Love and Highly Recommend*

*We don’t sell any of these products, we use them and find them beneficial. It pleases us to share them with you.


Meditation for the Love of It by Sally Kempton

Our all-time favorite meditation book, and we’ve read a bunch of them. Sally Kempton is a genius at making sense of esoteric knowledge for the rest of us. If you are looking to start or renew your meditation practice, this is the one for you. Get the book here:  Meditation for the Love of It

Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth by Tommy Rosa and Stephen Sinatra

We know these two authors personally and know this story will move you deeply, and give you invaluable information for life and health. Plus you find out how a plumber and a cardiologist became best friends. Get the book here: Health Revelations

Surviving Trauma School Earth by Brent Baum

Yes, we know Brent as well, and his work is brilliant. Learn to release the effects of memories that still get you, that are held deeply in the mindbody, and cause life-long suffering. Get the book here: Surviving Trauma School Earth

 Earthing by Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra, and Martin Zucker

Learn the remarkable effect of being physically grounded. Mother earth is a natural repository of health giving negative ions. We love this book and use Earthing products everyday. Buy it from Amazon here: Earthing

Tibetan Sound Healing: Seven Guided Practices to Clear Obstacles, Cultivate Positive Qualities, and Uncover Your Inherent Wisdom by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Practice the Five Warrior syllables and become the hero of your own journey. An easy read, but don’t be fooled, this guy is telling the truth of how to find your own inner storehouse of joy, love, compassion, and equanimity. Comes with an audio CD. Buy it from Amazon here: Tibetan Sound Healing


Get control of that bundle of keys. Go from a jangly mess to neat and easy with KeySmart. Buy it here: KeySmartmessykeys Go from this . . .

KeySamrtOpen To this!

KeySmartClosedNo more noisy keys.


Ground Thyself —  find the stuff you need to stay connected to earth’s energy field here. Sleep grounded, walk grounded, join the grounded! More info here.

Music and Meditation for Healing Series – February

Music and Meditation for Healing – Journey by Drum

Done! Deeply moving afternoon of drumming, chanting, and meditating. Each participant was gifted with a feather to use for the ancient practice of clearing.

Please join Joyce and Helen for a evening of sacred music and deep meditation for your own journey or for the sake of a loved one. This month we will drum and play native flute for you to support your walk into the mystery of your own being, and teach you to clear yourself an using an ancient feather technique.

Please use the Contact page to let us know that you plan to attend, or if you cannot attend but would like us to include your name or that of a loved one in the blessings of the evening.

February 21, 2015 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM
4000 Aurora Ave N, Suite 214
Seattle, WA 98103
Space is limited. Fee for this program: $20.00 at the door.

Music and Meditation for Healing Series

Music and Meditation for Healing – January

The room was packed and we had a lovely time. Many thanks to our participants and to those who attended from afar. We chanted, let our inner singer out, and of course we saw images of cells to help guide us to the hidden landscapes of the body. M is for Meditation! Mmmmmm

Please join Joyce and Helen for a evening of sacred music and deep meditation for your own journey or for the sake of a loved one. We plan to make this a regular event throughout the year.

Please use the Contact page to let us know that you plan to attend, or if you cannot attend but would like us to include your name or that of a loved one in the blessings of the evening.

January 17, 2015 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM
4000 Aurora Ave N, Suite 214
Seattle, WA 98103
Space is limited. Fee for this program: $20.00 at the door.