I learned this song from a most beautiful posting on YouTube which included an invitation to sing this Algonquin Women’s Water Song to and with the waters of the earth. Look here to find it: Sing the Water Song
I was captivated and inspired not only to sing it at the local river here where we live, but also to record it with a personal prayer. I have done so with respect to the originators and to my own First Nations teacher, SiSwinKlae Laurel Boucher of the Coast Salish peoples. In the later tradition we call in all directions that our prayer be heard.
My teacher has added that the Coast Salish peoples call in the directions starting in the East and turning counter-clockwise. Therefore we offer this prayer anew asking for rain to cool the earth and put out the fires. Ah Ho! — updated 9/15/2020
This Shaker hymn has a timeless message. Right now I want as much as possible to tune and turn my mind away from the pain of the past, and away from fearful thoughts about the future, and land in the present moment. In this present moment let me look around and simply drink in everything as it is.
This song in the Hebrew language invokes the Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael for protection, guidance, light, and healing. It concludes with an affirmation that Shekinah, the indwelling feminine aspect of the Divine presence, is above as well as within us.
Singing this song has helped me to remember and cherish the beneficent energies that surround us, and that can be invoked to accompany us on the journey we have undertaken.
May you find blessing in this and in your life always.
It is a common occurrence in our practice to have a client say, “I’m too sensitive, please fix it.” They want to get rid of their sensitivity, run away from it. It’s a hard-sell to convince them that their sensitivity is in fact a gift, one that helps them navigate the physical, mental, and emotional currents of their world. It is that same sensitivity that allow us a healing facilitators to do our work.
Our sensitivity is a built-in tool for survival, giving us information about the nature of potential threats, dangers, and pitfalls. At the same time it biases our bodies to take action as needed. Our sensory systems take in our surroundings and interpret for us, so that we can avoid pain.
Roadrunner ready to run
Our senses also bring us the beauty of the world, the taste and fragrances of good food, the warmth of camp fires and close friendships, the knowledge of great teachers — in short, many countless blessings. We would be lost without these things.
Sometimes extreme sensitivity includes the inability to tolerate our increasingly polluted environments of both chemical and (dare I say it) man-made electro-smog, such as cell signals, wifi, microwaves, and other sources. The air we breath, the water and food we take in are not the same as they were even a few decades ago. We are living in a different soup these days. These things are not going away, so the body must adapt and we must become more aware of what we need to help ourselves move forward.
It is not likely that we will give up our cell phones, tablets, or computers and live in a tent, though some with extreme sensitivity have to do so. Most of us will soldier on, making some adjustments here and there. I am not writing this on a stone tablet, but I no longer let my microwave oven spew out waves into my home. (The meter went off the dial when I tested it with the door securely shut.) We are more careful about what we eat, choosing less processed, less treated, less sweet, more complex foods.
Added to these measures are the time-honored practices of the spiritual traditions that have informed our lives and that we teach our clients and students – prayer, meditation, chanting, movement, music, mantra, study of the wisdom teachings, time in like-minded community, silence, and practices for clearing the body and mind.
Clearing is a favorite standby and we refine its use everyday as the need arises. For me it means taking the time, many times a day if necessary, to let go of what I may have picked up consciously for unconsciously from the environment, including from other people. We all do this, pick up stuff. Letting go can mean looking out the window at a tree or the horizon and sending anything I no longer need in that direction. (Don’t worry, letting go will not harm the tree or that mountain in the distance.)
I often repeat, “May anything no longer useful to me to dissolve and flow away.” Invoking the 5 elements of the ancient world as a means for clearing is simple and effective – asking earth, water, air, fire, and/or space to remove and transform the dross that has accumulated in my being over time. Movement, a walk, dancing, singing can all come into play as ways to clear.
Let me be clear – your sensitivity is a gift. Be clear and see.
There are 1440 minutes in every day. Now there is a place where you can focus on just how you want to spend that time to create your optimal life — 1440 Multiversity.
Joyce Hawkes and Helen Folsom are excited to be on the faculty for the Opening Season of 1440. Learn Cell-Level Healing with us at this beautiful new retreat center in California.
We will explore together ways to be emotionally, mentally, and physically grounded. You may be surprised at how beneficial it can be. See a few tantalizing moments from the film The Grounded and try out some techniques and gadgets (yes, gadgets) that modern day folks can use to access earth’s remarkable energy.
Please use the Contact page to let us know that you plan to attend, or if you cannot attend but would like us to include your name or that of a loved one in the blessings of the evening.
April 18, 2015 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM
4000 Aurora Ave N, Suite 214
Seattle, WA 98103
Space is limited. Fee for this program: $20.00 at the door.
Music and Meditation for Healing – Journey by Drum
Done! Deeply moving afternoon of drumming, chanting, and meditating. Each participant was gifted with a feather to use for the ancient practice of clearing.
Please join Joyce and Helen for a evening of sacred music and deepmeditation for your own journey or for the sake of a loved one. This month we will drum and play native flute for you to support your walk into the mystery of your own being, and teach you to clear yourself an using an ancient feather technique.
Please use the Contact page to let us know that you plan to attend, or if you cannot attend but would like us to include your name or that of a loved one in the blessings of the evening.
February 21, 2015 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM 4000 Aurora Ave N, Suite 214 Seattle, WA 98103 Space is limited. Fee for this program: $20.00 at the door.
The room was packed and we had a lovely time. Many thanks to our participants and to those who attended from afar. We chanted, let our inner singer out, and of course we saw images of cells to help guide us to the hidden landscapes of the body. M is for Meditation! Mmmmmm
Please join Joyce and Helen for a evening of sacred music and deep meditation for your own journey or for the sake of a loved one. We plan to make this a regular event throughout the year.
Please use the Contact page to let us know that you plan to attend, or if you cannot attend but would like us to include your name or that of a loved one in the blessings of the evening.
January 17, 2015 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM 4000 Aurora Ave N, Suite 214 Seattle, WA 98103 Space is limited. Fee for this program: $20.00 at the door.