Category Archives: Sound Energy

‘Tis a Gift to Be Simple

Tree of Light – Hannah Cohoon, 1845

This Shaker hymn has a timeless message. Right now I want as much as possible to tune and turn my mind away from the pain of the past, and away from fearful thoughts about the future, and land in the present moment. In this present moment let me look around and simply drink in everything as it is.

A Shepherd Lad with Smile So Bright

I learned this song in 4th grade and it has stayed with me all these years – yes, I’m old. I have never been able to find it in a book or anthology of songs, and suspect that it was written by my first music teacher, Marian Hiner. Marian was a gem of a human being, she lived to almost 104 years old, and after retiring from teaching she played the piano for people in the old folks home most of whom were younger than she. She was blind at the time, but could still play every song in the book.

For me this song connects with the Christian tradition in a subtle and beautiful way. Who would not love this shepherd?

Shepherd Lad

Oh, tell me have you ever seen him? A shepherd lad with smile so bright, that people love him at first sight and day by day still hold him dearer. That is my love, surely ’tis he. I have his heart, my faith has he.

And if when any poor man venture to beg a lamb from out the flock, the shepherd does not spurn nor mock, but gives both lamb and ewe together. That is my love surely ’tis he. I have his heart, my faith has he.

May we sing as if our hearts depend on it. Perhaps they do.

A Garland for the World

Holding a Rudraksha Mala for mantra repetition

In a perfect storm of trouble may we offer our highest to those in peril, fear, and grief. To that end we will be posting music from various traditions now and in the coming days to help all of us. We wish you well.

This mantra from the Rig Veda of the Hindu tradition is for healing, for defeating death and the fear of death. It comes from one of the oldest spiritual practices on our planet. Traditionally sung 108 times in the morning and evening, we offer this garland of sound energy

as a way for you to imbibe peace and healing for yourself, your loved ones, and all the world.

The Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra

om tryam bakam yaja mahe sugandhim puṣṭi vardhanam
urva ruka miva band hanan mrtyor muksiya mamrtat