Category Archives: Yoga

How Many Seeds?

   We counted 118 seeds in this Pomelo (aka grapefruit predecessor.) Wow, that’s a lot. Looking at it another way, ask yourself “How many grapefruits are there in one seed? Grapefruit trees take up to 5 years to produce usable fruits, so it is a long-term investment for a grower.

The first good crop could be 25 pounds of fruit, in the 10th year, it could be as much as 250 pounds. One seed (or one well cared for seedling) could produce a bonanza of produce.

In an ancient Vedic teaching story a son, gesturing to the expanse of the earth around him, asks his father, “From where did all this arise?”

The father replied, “Do you see that tree? Bring a fruit from it,” The boy did so. “Break it open, what do you see?”

“Many tiny seeds,” the son replied.

“Break a seed open, what do you see?”

“Nothing at all.”

The venerable sage said, “That same nothing is the source of all you see here around you. And that [here is the good part], my son you are.”

‘That Thou Art’ or ‘You Are That’ is a hallmark teaching in Yoga, it points us to a unique and hidden truth about who we are and where we are. ‘That’ is all and all comes from ‘That’. This includes you and me and all the grapefruit we can carry. It includes stars and galaxies, and household dust. ‘That’ is the unchanging One, the whole enchilada. It is all that exists as well as all that does not exist.

In these times it is easy to get distracted by stuff, and by the ever-changing scene around us. The glitter, the hype, the chaos in politics and weather patterns is unsettling, our focus can become very narrow. We stress, we numb out, or we wade into the fray and campaign for a different kind of change or pick up trash on the beaches until exhaustion sets in.

If each day we can turn within and settle ourselves, we may find the strength to smile at a passerby, listen for the words that want to be spoken, and connect with that person where they are. If we can remember that we are all in the same boat, a leaky one perhaps, we can bail without blaming the problem on someone else. If we can stay present as much as possible, we may be able to allow what is, to be as it is, and chart our own direction without being angry or distracted.

If we can keep our heads while others are losing theirs . . . we may yet bear good fruit.

Quick – Heal My Pancreas!

What does it take for the body to heal? Sometimes we find out that a particular organ or system in the body needs help. A disease has been diagnosed, or testing shows there is an imbalance happening, or perhaps a tumor has been found. What to do?

Certainly we consult with our team members: our doctors, nutritionists,  naturopaths, energy practitioners, and even our friends. What can I do the heal my pancreas? Can you help?

As energy practitioners we have observed that healing needs to go deep in order for good results to follow. For instance, the pancreas is a large gland behind the stomach that secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum. Also in the pancreas are the islets of Langerhans, which secrete the hormones insulin and glucagon into the blood. So in each case it is important to determine which cellular action is being impaired.  Knowing that helps to determine the target for energy work.

Some knowledge of cell types, inner cellular structures, and function is useful in guiding the process. Our bodies and the cells that make up those bodies have vast capabilities and intelligence. Cells perform countless actions every second to keep us alive and kicking, and sometimes they need extra assistance. Paying attention to what the body is saying, and taking appropriate action is vital to living a healthy, happy life. Having a team approach in service of that goal is a good idea too.

We will be teaching in The Bahamas (someone has to do it) in March. If that draws you please join us. It will be a delight to meet you and your pancreas on Paradise Island.

More info on the Events page: Joyce and Helen in The Bahamas 

P.S. The venue is a Yoga Retreat Ashram, with delicious food, yoga classes, Meditation and Chanting, Nassau Bay on one side, and the aqua blue Caribbean on the other – Take a Look