The four-year-old in our lives came to visit last week. As adoring Grandmudders (her word) we take great delight in her insights, energy, and imagination. At the local playground, her swing and mine began to move forward and back together. That prompted us to teach her the word ‘synchrony’, which she dutifully repeated again and again while swinging, climbing, and later while eating pancakes. Synchrony happens.

Synchrony, coexistence, coincidence, concurrence, concurrency – the coming together of things, people, ideas, events, and swings. At such times we experience flow, the flow of that which unites us, that brings life, that fosters connection, and ignites the awareness of unity.
In a healing session, the ability to come into harmony with the client is something we experience on many levels. The room is ordered and decorated with that in mind, we attend to the conversation, the desire of the person who is with us, and to the hidden prompts that arise in the course of the work. All of this allows a resonant atmosphere to emerge and provides a foundation for positive results to happen.
Jenny, one of our esteemed students, shared this link with us recently of just how magical that coming together is in the physical world. May you enjoy this demo of the ebb and flow of synchrony in a pendulum wave.
Come together.